Jumat, 30 November 2012


Please attach an article relate to conflict ideas and beliefs in multicularism society wheter in America or Indonesia. Afterward give your comment.

The Melting Pot Versus The Salad Bowl

by DANNY SULLIVAN on MAY 3, 2006

I was in Canada last week and had an interesting talk with my cab driver on the way back to the airport about immigration and integration of different cultures. His key misconception was over the idea that America is all about the “melting pot,” where all cultures are mixed together into one.
I got the impression this might be a common one for Canadians. Indeed, I started my keynote at the conference I was at with a pretty funny commercial that used to air in Canada, poking fun in part at American stereotypes of them. You can check it out here (and some background on it here), but this is the key part that goes with my post:
I believe in…diversity, not assimilation,
Now I’m an American, not a Canadian. But you know what? I believe in diversity as well. In fact, that’s what I was taught in school — ordinary public school in Southern California.
In particular, we learned that the melting pot (yep, there’s even a Wikipediaentry on the origins of it) was an outdated metaphor for what Americans were supposed to be. In a melting pot, everyone was mixed together to become one single thing, all Americans — and perhaps without retaining your origins.
Heck, there was even the Schoolhouse Rock video I watched as a kid, where all these various Americans of different origins jumped into a big pot to be mixed together as Americans. I’ll come back to that in a moment, but onto the “salad bowl.”
We were taught that the salad bowl was the better metaphor for us to learn about American and immigrants. In a salad bowl, different ingredients are all mixed together to make one thing, yet each ingredient also retains its own characteristics. They aren’t blended into some bland goo.
While these are two different concepts, I’d also argue that they are also synonyms for many Americans. People I know, if they talk about a melting pot, it’s understood that different cultures, races and ethnicities aren’t supposed to be giving up their identities while also becoming part of a unified America. In other words, people may often say melting pot but mean the salad bowl concept.
You can even see this in that old Schoolhouse Rock video. When the people jumped in, they didn’t get all blended into sameness. The song even ends:
Go on and ask your grandma,
Hear what she has to tell
How great to be American
And something else as well.
Not everyone believes that, of course. There are plenty of Americans who feel immigrants should learn English, become “normal” Americans (whatever that’s supposed to be) and so on. For them, the melting pot is that blending.
For me — melting pot/salad bowl — whatever you want to call it, it’s about a country of immigrants becoming stronger by both embracing the diversity of its cultures but also all feeling they do belong to one nation as well.

My opinionThis article about a Canadian native living in the U.S. and ask about the melting pot and the salad bowl to the taxi driver. The conversation above I found that it is a mixture melting pot culture that led to the loss of two of their original culture and there is only one culture she lived. While the salad bowl is a mixing of the two cultures that still maintain their original culture. However, in upholding American of decency values ​​and despite diverse cultures in America but still they belong to the nation as well.


1. What do you know about melting pot and salad bowl and please explain?

  • Melting polt means there is a fusion of various cultures into a single form in the pot. From a variety of materials together, from heterogenous to homogenous. Here, the process of assimilation of each part.

  • As we know, if the name of salads, be it western or salad models our own version, you will see each piece, but form a unity called salad without fusion of each piece. although we put on it salad dressing, nonetheless each piece still stands alone and has its own role, but still form a unity. So looks very the beautiful colors. like a rainbow.

2. Does American people see melting pot as a model to  follow. explain ?

           America is called the melting pot because there are people from everywhere around the world, they have different cultures, different customs, but when they come to America, they are one, one nation.
Contrary to common belief, America is actually not a 'melting pot'. America is a 'salad bowl'. A melting pot implies that people who come into the society assimilate and adopt the standard of their new adopted society, contributing something along the way. A salad bowl implies that you hold onto your culture even after you arrive, and don't take on the characteristics of the new society, so that you have a mixture of a lot of different things, but you can still tell them apart like in a salad. Cheese fondue is made up of lots of different ingredients but you can't point and say "there's the white wine" the way you can say "there's the tomatoes and there's the celery" in a salad.
           Historically, the melting pot notion has not progressed in its entirety within U.S. society, due in part to the presence of structural barriers, including prejudice and discrimination, that have limited some immigrant and native-born minority persons from significant access to the resources and privileges of the dominant social group. Moreover, within the United States some ethnic people have actively chosen not to "give up" their native heritage and identity, despite their desires to participate successfully within the American economy.

Kamis, 01 November 2012

(CODE II) PART 2. Assimilation in United States (article)

New US Immigrants Creating Different Assimilation Patterns
Each new group of immigrants to the United States has faced its own challenges as it has assimilated into American society. And each group has added its own customs and traditions to the ethnic mosaic of American culture: from Italian pizza to Latin American salsa music to Gaelic tap dancing.
VOA correspondent Barbara Schoetzau recently spoke with experts and immigrants about how new Americans assimilate into U.S. culture and change the United States.
Demographers and sociologists say it is difficult to analyze recent assimilation patterns in the United States because of immigration laws that took effect in 1968.
Anthony Orum, a specialist in immigration issues and trends at the University of Illinois, says the laws created a much more diverse immigrant population than in the past.
"Rather than getting large numbers of immigrants from Eastern and Western Europe, now we get many immigrants from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Mexico," he says. "Their stories tend to be different from the stories of earlier generations."
Their stories are as different as those of Tony Hanna, Oscar Carreno and Osmond Aznan. Tony came from Belfast, Northern Ireland for a two week vacation in 1975.
"I met up with a couple of Irish fellows and I got a job washing dishes in a restaurant in Times Square. I took my breaks at night and I walked around 42nd Street and I fell in love with New York," he says. "I decided to stay, not to go back."
Oscar was 19 years old when he and his brother left Colombia in 1980. "We came here because of necessity," he says. "We had to help our families there. There were no opportunities there. I always sent back money. Since the first time I started working here, never a month went by that I did not send money to my mother."
Osmond Aznan, a Kurd from Turkey, came to the United States in 1989. Three years ago, he and a Turkish friend opened the Istanbul Grill, a 24-hour-a-day restaurant they have recently expanded. Osmond says it is a struggle, but business is good.
"It is really tough. I didn't know it until I got into the business. It is very tough," he says. "We are okay. We are good. Every year we are almost double. Everything is fresh and made daily because we have no storage to keep it."
Professor Orum, says studies show some noticeable differences in recent patterns of assimilation. Most strikingly, unlike earlier groups, many recent immigrants are abandoning inner cites and resettling in ethnic enclaves in the suburbs, where they can survive without learning English well.
According to Oscar Carreno, learning English is not easy. But listening to radio and television helps. "In Colombia, I used to listen to a lot of rock music when I was a teenager, a lot of these heavy metal groups," he says. "I liked the music so much that at the same time you want to understand what they are saying so you kind of educate your ear and then you want to know what his word means and everything."
Sociologist Anthony Orum says many of his colleagues believe the current generation of immigrants are assimilating in the same way as previous generations. But he is not convinced.
"My own opinion from close observation over the past several years is that the ethnic community, whether you are Mexican, Indian, Nigerian, Polish, Bosnian, that the ethnic community remains very important to the groups of new immigrants," he says. "So that some may come in here and go ahead and move through the educational system, get great jobs, but they do not completely abandon the idea of their ethnicity or nationality."
Oscar has pursued the so-called American dream ever since he arrived in the United States, working two full-time jobs as a doorman to buy his own home and put his two daughters through school. But he also feels a deep attachment to his roots.
"It is within you. It is a blessing," he says. "It makes you a richer person a better person knowing that you can understand the American culture and at the same time you keep your culture. I have not lost my culture at all."
Professor Orum says studies show that many current immigrants, especially those from Latin America, move back and forth between the two cultures with ease.
"One of my arguments about the assimilation of previous generations, Irish and Italians, Polish, is that many of them were forced to abandon their national culture, their ethnicity by virtue of world wars and by virtue of the fact that many could not return," he says. "So they were here more or less permanently. Nowadays people can move back and forth easily between their home cultures and between the United States."
That ability is very important to Oscar Carreno who visits his family in Colombia and his wife's family in the Dominican Republic with his daughters every few years.
"You have to make them aware of where they come from and they are very proud of their cultures, Dominican and Columbian," he says. "At the same time, they are American citizens."
But Tony Hanna, a maintenance technician, did not go home for 22 years after arriving in the United States. "Nothing was changed in the neighborhood in Belfast that I am from," he says. "They had built new houses, but the people and everything else was pretty much the same. I was home three days when I called my sister and told her to change my ticket. I wanted to come back. I felt out of place. I felt like a tourist."
Still, Tony has made sure his children are aware of Irish traditions. "I think it is important for the kids," he says. "The kids went to Irish step dancing classes. My daughter took Gaelic-Irish language classes. Stuff like that. I think it is important to remember where you came from, but I also think it is very important that they are Americans first."
Despite concern about immigrants triggered by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, sociologists say there is little real tension between today's immigrants and the rest of American society.

  • This article is talking about the immigrant who sad of the assimilation that hapenned to the other immigrants that forget who they are, where they come from, they were complacent by the pleasure that they get in USA and they forget their culture in their motherland. They shouldn't forget their culture even though they are living in the other country. The conclusion is the assimilation raises the good and the bad effects.

3. Kontak sosial (Mrs. Mila)

  • Apakah didalam interaksi sosial harus selalu ada kontak sosial ?

interaksi sosial adalah suatu hubungan antar sesama manusia yang saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain baik itu dalam hubungan antar individu, antar kelompok maupun antar individu dan kelompok. Didalam interaksi sosial yang terjadi pada saat sekarang ini tidak hanya melalui kontak sosial langsung tetapi bisa melalui sosial media dan jejaring sosial yang saat ini dengan mudah di akses. Misalnya saja seseorang di wilayah jakarta bisa berkomunikasi dengan saudaranya yang berada di aceh, karena jarak yang begitu jauh akhirnya seseorang tersebut menggunakan internet sebagai akses media yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi, dengan kemudahan seperti itu saya yakin interaksi antara individu yang satu dengan individu yang lain juga bisa berjalan dengan lancar walau tanpa kontak sosial secara langsung.
  • Komunikasi adalah berhubungan atau bergaul dengan orang lain. Komunikasi mana yang bisa menjadikan  budaya?

komunikasi merupakan salah satu interaki sosial yang sering kita lakukan, misalnya setiap hari kita berangkat ke kampus berpamitan terlebih dahulu dengan orang tua, dan di kelas bertegur sapa dengan teman-teman, dosen, maupun individu-individu lainnya yang merupakan kebiasaan kita setiap harinya, suatu kebiasaan akan menjadikan suatu budaya tertentu di tengah-tengah masyarakat itu berada.

2. Bentuk budaya yang merupakan hasil dari kerjasama, akomodasi, asimilasi, dan akulturasi (Mrs. Mila)

Interaksi sosial adalah hubungan yang dinamis. Hubungan yang dimaksud adalah dapat berupa hubungan antar individu dengan individu, individu dengan kelompok atau kelompok dengan klompok. Tanpa interaksi sosial tidak akan ada kehidupan bersama dan kehidupan sosial dapat terwujud dalam berbagai bentuk pergaulan seseorang dengan orang lain. Bertemunya orang perorangan secara badaniah tidak akan menghasilkan pergaulan hidup dalam suatu kelompok sosial. Pergaulan hidup semacam itu akan terjadi apabila orang-orang atau kelompok bekerjasama dan saling berkomunikasi untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.

Bentuk-bentuk interaksi sosial

Berdasarkan pendapat menurut tim sosiologi (2002), interaksi sosial dikategorikan menjadi 4 yaitu kerjasama, akomodasi, asimilasi dan akulturasi yang semuanya merupakan bentuk interaksi sosial yang bersifat asosiatif.
  1. Kerjasama
Kerja sama adalah suatu usaha bersama antarindividu atau kelompok untuk mencapai tujuan bersama. Kerja sama timbul apabila orang menyadari memiliki kepentingan dan tujuan yang sama, serta menyadari bahwa hal tersebut bermanfaat bagi dirinya atau orang lain. Kerja sama timbul karena orientasi individu terhadap kelompoknya (in group) dan orientasi individu terhadap kelompok lainnya (out group).

gambar di atas merupakan contoh kerjasama dalam bentuk menanam pohon secara bersama-sama agar bumi ini kembali hijau lagi. kerjasama sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita, karena tanpa adanya kerjasama kita tidak akan menjadi makhluk sosial. Dengan menanam pohon otomatis kita akan berkomunikasi dengan individu lain dan berinteraksi dengan baik.

     2.  Akomodasi

Akomodasi memiliki dua makna, yaitu sebagai keadaan dan proses. Akomodasi sebagai keadaan mengacu pada keseimbangan interaksi antar individu atau antar kelompok yang berkaitan dengan nilai dan norma sosial yang berlaku. Akomodasi sebagai sebuah proses mengacu pada usaha-usaha manusia untuk meredakan suatu pertentangan agar tercipta keseimbangan.
Akomodasi sebenarnya merupakan suatu cara untuk menyelesaikan pertentangan tanpa menghancurkan lawan. Tujuan Akomodasi berbeda-beda, tergantung pada situasi yang dihadapi.

Didalam hidup bermasyarakat sudah pasti kita mengalami konflik, baik itu antar individu maupun kelompok. gambar di atas merupakan contoh dari akomodasi yang terjadi didalam rapat yang mencoba memberi putusan yang baik dalam menyelesaikan konflik yang ada didalam rapat tersebut, salah satunya melalui musyawarah bersama untuk mencapai kesepakatan bersama.

    3.   Asimilasi
Asimilasi merupakan usaha-usaha untuk mengurangi perbedaan antar individu atau antar kelompok guna mencapai satu kesepakatan berdasarkan kepentingan dan tujuan-tujuan bersama. Dalam asimilasi terjadi proses identifikasi diri dengan kepentingan-kepentingan dan tujuan kelompok. Apabila dua kelompok atau dua orang melakukan asimilasi, maka batas-batas antar kelompok akan hilang dan keduanya melebur menjadi satu kelompok yang baru.

   4.  Akulturasi
Akulturasi adalah berpadunya dua kebudayaan yang berbeda dan membentuk suatu kebudayaan baru dengan tidak menghilangkan ciri kepribadian masing-masing. akulturasi sama dengan kontak budaya yaitu bertemunya dua kebudayaan yang berbeda melebur menjadi satu menghasilkan kebudayaan baru tetapi tidak menghilangkan kepribadian/sifat kebudayaan aslinya.  

Contoh akulturasi adalah Candi Borobudur yang merupakan perpaduan antara kebudayaan India dan kebudayaan Indonesia. Demikian juga musik keroncong yang merupakan perpaduan antara musik Portugis dan musik Indonesia.

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

1. Hubungan interaksi sosial (Mrs.Mila)

Interaksi sosial adalah hubungan timbal balik antara individu dengan individu, individu dengan kelompok dan antara kelompok dengan kelompok. Interaksi sosial merupakan proses komunikasi diantara orang-orang untuk saling mempengaruhi perasaan, pikiran dan tindakan.
Interaksi sosial akan berlangsung apabila seorang individu melakukan tindakan dan dari tindakan tersebut menimbulkan reaksi individu yang lain. Interaksi sosial terjadi jika dua orang atau lebih saling berhadapan, bekerja sama, berbicara, berjabat tangan atau bahkan terjadi persaingan dan pertikaian.
Syarat-syarat Terjadinya Interaksi Sosial
Interaksi sosial merupakan hubungan sosial yang dinamis, menyangkut hubungan antara individu, antara kelompok maupun antara individu dengan kelompok. Dua Syarat terjadinya interaksi sosial :
a.       Adanya kontak sosial (social contact)
Kontak sosial dapat berlangsung dalam tiga bentuk, yaitu antar individu, antar individu dengan kelompok, antar kelompok. Selain itu, suatu kontak dapat pula bersifat langsung (face to face) maupun tidak langsung atau sekunder. Yakni kontak sosial yang dilakukan melaui perantara, seperti melalui telepon, orang lain, surat kabar, dan lain-lain. Kontak sosial yang bersifat positif mengarah pada suatu kerja sama, sedangkan yang bersifat negatif mengarah pada suatu pertentangan atau bahkan sama seali tidak menghasilkan suatu interaksi sosial.
b.      Adanya Komunikasi Sosial
yaitu seseorang memberi arti pada perilaku orang lain, perasaan-perassaan apa yang ingin disampaikan orang tersebut. Orang yang bersangkutan kemudian memberi reaksi terhadap perasaan yang ingin disampaikan oleh orang tersebut. Dengan adanya komunikasi tersebut, sikap-sikap dan perasaan suatu kelompok manusia atau perseorangan dapat diketahui oleh kelompok lain atau orang lainnya. Hal itu kemudian merupakan bahan untuk menentukan reaksi apa yang dilakukannya.
Interaksi sosial memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
1)        Pelaku lebih dari satu orang
2)        Adanya komunikasi di antara pelaku
3)        Adanya tujuan mungkin sama atau tidak sama antar pelaku
4)        Adanya dimensi waktu

Contoh bentuk interaksi sosial.
  • Interaksi antara individu dan individu 

Individu yang satu memberikan pengaruh , rangsangan \ Stimulus kepada individu lainnya . Wujud interaksi bisa dalam dalam bentuk berjabat tangan , saling menegur , bercakap – cakap \ mungkin bertengkar .
  • Interaksi antara kelompok dengan kelompok

Hubungan ini mempunyai ciri-ciri khusus berdasarkan pola yang tampak. Pola interaksi antar kelompok dapat terjadi karena aspek etnis, ras, dan agama, termasuk juga di dalamnya perbedaan jenis kelamin dan usia, institusi, partai, organisasi, dan lainnya.

(CODE II) PART 1. Assimilation in Indonesia (Article)

Asimilasi Budaya Katholik

Terdapat suatu kebiasaan kontroversial dari Gereja Katolik yang melakukan asimilasi atau penyatuan kebudayaan antara budaya Gereja dengan budaya lokal dimana pada berbagai belahan dunia dengan kebudayaan yang berbeda masih mengikuti kebudayaan tradisional mereka walau mereka telah menganut agama Katolik.
Seperti halnya profil misionaris Kiai Sadrach yang menyatukan budaya Kejawen dengan Kristen yang berakibat ia disebut masih setengah Kristen.
Tidak hanya itu, gaya kebudayaan lokal Gua Bunda Maria di negeri ini bahkan menjadi suatu bahan kontroversial karena didirikan dengan gaya candi yang seolah meniru situs sejarah purbakala Hindu. 

Diluar negeri, terdapat kasus kontroversial yang tak kalah ganasnya yakni penggambaran Yesus yang dikatakan mirip dengan tokoh dewa tertinggi Yunani bernama Zeus baik itu tampilan wajah maupun nama.

Patung Bunda Maria memangku bayi Yesus pun menuai kontroversi karena mirip dengan beberapa patung kebudayaan bangsa lain yang juga menggambarkan seorang ibu membopong bayi.

Yang paling terkenal adalah mengenai kontroversi hari Natal dimana yang disebut sebagai hari perayaan kelahiran Yesus Kristus tersebut konon tidak Alkitabiah karena tidak tercantum dalam Alkitab dan dianggap sebagai perayaan yang bersumber dari tradisi Romawi pra-Kristen yakni peringatan bagi dewa pertanian Saturnus: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natal#Tanggal
Sehingga seperti yang kita tau bahwa saat ini hari Natal dalam bahasa Inggris tidak lagi disebut Christmas melainkan X-mas.
Dan masih banyak lagi kontroversi dari hasil asimilasi kebudayaan Gereja Katolik. Bahkan di negeri Timur Jauh, seorang Uskup Tiongkok pun berdoa kepada Bunda Maria menggunakan dupa atau hio seperti yang pernah dicantumkan pada artikel ini: Sejarah Perkembangan Agama Katolik di Tiongkok.

Bagi para non-Kristen, asimilasi budaya ini banyak yang disebut sebagai pelecehan kebudayaan lokal karena mencampurkan antara agama dengan budaya setempat. Adapula yang mengatakan sebagai proyek Kristenisasi. Tak jarang pula ada yang mengatakan munafik karena terpaksa mengikuti budaya lokal demi menarik perhatian penduduk lokal.

Sementara bagi para Kristen Protestan, asimilasi budaya ini dipandang sebagai sifat sirik terhadap agama karena menggunakan cara-cara kebudayaan lokal non-Kristen yang dianggap sebagai penyembahan berhala lokal sehingga menuai anggapan bahwa bukannya menyelamatkan malah terlibat dalam kesesatan.

Namun para Katolik sendiri berpendapat, secara tak sadar strategi asimilasi kebudayaan tersebut telah menggiring orang-orang dengan kebudayaan yang berbeda kepada ajaran Kristus.

Tuhan menciptakan keragaman dunia disetiap bagiannya sebagai pancaran keindahan dari karyaNya. Maka dari itu suatu agama tentunya tidak akan melenyapkannya karena itu merupakan ciptaanNya yang wajib dijaga. Coba saja pikirkan, andaikata Gereja Katolik membawakan agamanya sesambil membawakan kebudayaan Romawi secara mentah-mentah keseluruh belahan dunia tentunya dunia tak akan berwarna lagi.

Tuhan pun nyatanya menurunkan ajaran-Nya juga tidak dengan memandang ataupun menyamakan kebudayaan lokal. Buktinya ajaran-Nya tak hanya menyebar di daerah Kanaan untuk orang Yahudi pula namun juga menyebarkan pada belahan dunia lain misalnya pada daratan India sebagai agama Hindu dan Buddha.

Cara asimilasi budaya ini justru sangatlah Alkitabiah, buktinya lihat saja cara penyebaran ajaran-Nya yang dilakukan oleh Yesus kepada orang Samaria tanpa sedikitpun memperkenalkan budaya asli Yahudi terhadap mereka. Begitupun ketika Paulus menyebarkan ajaran Kristus disekitaran Laut Mediterania yang juga tak satupun budaya baik itu budaya Romawi ataupun Yahudi kepada daerah yang diajarankan olehnya.

Ketahuilah bahwa Kristen bukan sebuah kepemihakan, bukan juga sebuah agama baru yang hadir didunia ini, maka anda tidak akan meributkan cara ritual atau upacara apapun didalam gereja.

Kebenaran masuk kedalam masyarakat pada jaman lampau melalui budaya mereka, bukan mengenalkan budaya baru. Sebab budaya adalah karya manusia dan ketika Katolik sedang menggunakan kebudayaan itu maka mereka sedang menunjukan rasa hormat. Saat mereka mengenal sosok yang mereka sembah sebagai Tuhan, sebagai penguasa dan pencipta alam semesta ini, mereka tidak mengenal siapa Tuhan, tetapi mereka memiliki rasa takut dan tunduk kepada Tuhan yang tidak mereka kenal. Mereka bisa menyebut dengan berbagai nama, dengan berbagai sebutan dan mendefinisikan sifatnya dan kehendaknya berdasarkan pengalaman. Saat misionaris datang, mereka dikenalkan siapa Tuhan itu sebenarnya, bahwa ia telah menjadi manusia untuk membuka jalan bagi kita. Selanjutnya mereka tetap menggunakan tradisi mereka dalam menghormati Tuhan, tetapi kali ini mereka telah mengenal siapa Dia dan siapa nama AnakNya.

Gereja tidak membawa tradisi baru, tidak membaca cara baru dan budaya baru dalam beribadah. Sebab cara ibadah yang kita pakai sekarang ini merupakan jiplakan dari cara ibadah dari budaya bangsa lain. Beberapa mungkin dapat menerima beberapa lagi merasa canggung dan menyebutnya agama Barat.

Tuhan itu bersifat universal, Yesus itu datang untuk manusia seluruh dunia dengan berbagai suku dan bangsa. Ia datang bukan membawa tatacara ibadah dan ritual yang baru, tetapi Ia datang untuk menyatakan diriNya kepada kepunyaanNya. Dengan berbagai gaya, sikap, kebudayaan, kebiasaan dan adat masing-masing bangsa diseluruh dunia bertekuk lutut menyembahNya dan melakukan kebenaran didalam namaNya.

Beberapa bukti mengenai kemiripan tersebut adalah salah satu dari usaha gereja Katolik untuk masuk dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan mengenalkan Yesus melalui adaptasi budayanya sendiri. Mungkin anda mengkritiknya, tetapi mungkin ia telah membawa banyak orang kepada Kristus dan telah membimbing orang didalam kebenaran, sedangkan beberapa orang yang mengkritiknya mungkin juga satukalipun mereka belum pernah membuka mulut tentang Kristus kepada mereka yang belum mengenal siapa Tuhan yang sebenarnya. Bicara itu mudah, tetapi saat kita berada ditengah masyarakat asing, bisakah kita lantang juga?

Dan dari hasil asimilasi ini pun justru untuk memerangi kebudayaan sirik lokal kepada Tuhan karena Gereja Katolik kemudian menggantinya untuk lebih mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan dengan menyingkirkan segala kesirikan dari budaya tersebut. Seperti halnya mengenai kontroversi hari Natal, di sebuah buku konon Gereja Katolik sengaja menempatkan hari raya tersebut pada tanggal yang sama dengan hari perayaan dewa Yunani tersebut justru tidak untuk merayakan pula hari raya dewa itu namun justru untuk melancarkan serangan suci terhadap penyembahan berhala agar seseorang tidak lagi merayakan hari tersebut karena memiliki perayaan pengganti dari agama barunya yang tak kalah pentingnya untuk dirayakan. Hanya saja mereka kemudian tau bahwa yang disembah bukan patungnya sebab wujud patung hanya sebagai visualisasi. Yang mereka sembah ialah Yesus yang hidup.

sumber : http://worldpeace8281.blogspot.com/2012/07/asimilasi-budaya-katolik.html

  • My opinion about this article !! I think in this world everyone has their own beliefs against god. all different faiths is not a barrier the unity among religious communities. we are all the same in the eyes of God, and therefore we must be mutual respect between faiths. in this article shows that assimilation occurs in the first Catholic religious communities have Javanese culture now adheres to the Christian religion. at the core all beliefs should have a good purpose for one's life, and a mixture of culture with other cultures is not a barrier for someone to split apart.

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

(CODE II) Task 3.The relationship of assimilation

     3.What are the relationship between assimilation to the interaction of cultures?

Social interaction of human diversity. Depending on the needs of humanity, does require interaction with another individual or with other groups. In reality all the culture reflected a valuable and worthwhile. So close relationship between humans and human culture so that the essentially called cultural beings. In the end, there is also that is realized in the form of values ​​and behavior. Indonesia is a pluralistic society who experience cultural assimilation of culture anywhere. This occurs because the condition sosiografisnya trajectory located between the sources a very powerful culture. That is why  Indonesia in certain conditions known  (cultural shock) between rejecting or accepting the new culture and their own cultural traditions eliminate.

The forms of social interaction in the form of a reciprocal relationship between the individual and other individuals, between groups with groups, and between individuals and groups who are in the community. Forms of social interaction proves that humans are social beings. There will be an interaction of one of them if no one begin to interact.

(CODE II) Task 2.melting pot

2. Why does United States referred as melting plot?

America is called the melting pot because there are people from everywhere around the world, they have different cultures, different customs, but when they come to America, they are one, one nation.
Contrary to common belief, America is actually not a 'melting pot'. America is a 'salad bowl'. A melting pot implies that people who come into the society assimilate and adopt the standard of their new adopted society, contributing something along the way. A salad bowl implies that you hold onto your culture even after you arrive, and don't take on the characteristics of the new society, so that you have a mixture of a lot of different things, but you can still tell them apart like in a salad. Cheese fondue is made up of lots of different ingredients but you can't point and say "there's the white wine" the way you can say "there's the tomatoes and there's the celery" in a salad.
Another way of looking at America as a 'salad bowl' is because there are 'China Towns', 'Korea Towns', 'Little Ethiopia' to name a few. If you walk into 'China Town' (especially in San Francisco) it's like you almost really are in China itself.
Historically, the melting pot notion has not progressed in its entirety within U.S. society, due in part to the presence of structural barriers, including prejudice and discrimination, that have limited some immigrant and native-born minority persons from significant access to the resources and privileges of the dominant social group. Moreover, within the United States some ethnic people have actively chosen not to "give up" their native heritage and identity, despite their desires to participate successfully within the American economy.

(CODE II) Task 1. Assimilation

1. What do you know about assimilation and give the example?


Assimilation is a social process that occurs when there is a human faction with different cultural backgrounds, associate with each other directly in internsif for a long time so that the earlier cultures of each changed him into a mixture of cultures. Usually minorities are involved in a process of assimilation. Minorities changing characteristics of the elements of its culture and adapt to the culture of the majority so that the is slowly losing its own culture and personality into the majority culture. Mathematically the process of assimilation can be written: Aa + Bb + Cc = Dd meaning that ethnic groups A, B, and C as driving factors assimilation met, having melting cultural elements of ethnic groups a + b + c generate new cultural d , which previously did not exist in culture a, B, and D.
Factors that facilitate the assimilation:
1). Tolerance
2). Opportunities in the economy are balanced.
3). An attitude of respect for foreign culture.
4). Attitude that is open from the ruling class in society
5). Presence of cultural elements of the same
6). Marriages mixed
7). Existence of a common enemy from outside.
The factors that can inhibit the assimilation Another is as follows:
1). Isolated life
2). Lack of knowledge about the culture encountered
3). Feeling of fear of facing the power of a culture
4). Feeling that another group culture is superior or inferior, preferring
5). Difference in skin color and physical characteristics
6). Presence of in-group feeling
7). Happened disturbance of the majority against the minority
8). Existence of different interests and conflicts, both personal and group interests.

example of assimilation
  •  Many people has live in Jakarta, they are live with their family, brother or maybe they just alone live in there. In Jakarta not only the native of Jakarta but also has so many new settlers live in there. They mingle in the social community is through language. for example, A comes from Central Java and B is the original person who live in Jakarta. A always communicate with B, and the language they use very different, if like that so the communication between A and B can’t occured very well. To easier communication and understand each other then A slowly follow a language B and the native language A goes away by itself.
  • Besides the language, the food consumed by ethnic Chinese and Chinese are also different. Food of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia is different from the original start in China because it has been influenced by spices native to Indonesia are very sharp. In Indonesia there are foods such as rice cakes cap go meh, that does not exist in China, the food is as strong influences typical foods of Indonesia.
  • Chinese citizens in Singapore is also influenced by the Malays and Indians in Singapore. With Malay and Indian influences, be new foods in the typical Chinese citizens in Singapore as 'Carrot Cake', 'Fish Head Curry', 'Rojak' etc.

Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

#Tourism 5 Curug Cilember

          In the middle year of 2011 my friend asked me to go to curug cilember. We started from the morning at 7 a.m. We went there by motorbike. Well, actually in the first thing that we were planing was going to Puncak. But we decided to go to see waterfall. Then my friend adviced me to go to Curug Cilember.
            It’s place near with Puncak in Bogor. This place has 7 waterfall. But the distance between one to another is quiet far. We only visited 2 or 3 of them. We are hicking to got there. But the view was amazing. The sparkle of the water was beautifull. There was some tourist from abroad. We had a conversation with them. Starting from Canada in U.S. and also from Netherland in Europe.
            Well they asked us to guided them around that place. But that was also our first trip, so we can’t helped her. There are so many child who work as a tour guide eventhough they can’t speak English. They communicated to those tourist by body language. We can’t understand that little tour guide but those tourist was understand with him, i  dont know if they were pretending or not. J

#Tourism 4 Kota Tua Jakarta

       It was Saturday when one of my friend asked me to go to some place. He didn’t told where the place is. It was a boring day, so i came with him. We got there by ride his motorbike. It was noon when we got there. The weather quiet hot that day. It was kota tua. I haven’t been there before, i was so lucky he asked me to companying him.
       After we park the motorbike, the first thing we done is bought a bottle of water. Like i said before, it was a hot day. We satisfied our throat first. After that, we went to person who selling the souvenir. He bought me a bronze necklace. Well actually, i asked him to buy me one.  
      There are so many museum in that place. Such as Museum Wayang, Museum Bank Mandiri, and the famous one Museum Fatahillah. We cant go inside the building because the time for visitor was passed. It was because we took a walk to enjoyed the view in that place. We saw a couple person who took some picture for their prewedding picture.

Rabu, 11 April 2012

*6. Psychological approach to literature

method of psychological
1.Experiment method
How this is done usually in the laboratory to conduct various experiments. Researchers have full control on the course of an experiment. That is determined to do anything on something that will be examined, when to do research, how often do the research, and so forth. In the experimental method, the nature of the subjectivity of the method of introspection will be addressed. In the method of pure introspection only researcher who becomes the object itself. But on the subject of many experimental introspection, that is people - people who dieksperimentasi it. With the extent or number of subjects the results obtained will be more objective
2.Observation method
On scientific observations, a case in situations that are not caused deliberately. But the scientific process and spontaneously. Observations of this nature can be applied also to other behaviors, such as: the behavior of people who are in department stores, the behavior of motorists street highway, the behavior of children at play, the behavior of people in natural disasters, etc. .
3.method biographies
Person's life history can be a source of data that is important to further recognize the "spirit" of the person concerned, for example from the story his mother, a child who does not ride the class may know that he is not less intelligent but her interest was in music since childhood, so he was not serious enough to his education at his school. [4] In this method describes the keadaaa, attitudes - attitudes or other characteristics of the person concerned . In this method has advantages in addition also has a weakness, which is not uncommon these methods are subjective.
Is a question and answer interview the examiner and the person being examined. So that people can discover it checked out his heart itself, views, opinions and other such that the person interviewing can dig up all the information that dibutuhkan.Baik questionnaire or interview both have similarities, but differ in the way of presentation. Advantages compared with the interview questionnaire , namely:
1.Pada interview if there is something less obvious, it can be clarified
2.interviwer (requester) can adjust to the mood interviwee (respondents who were asked)
3.Terdapat direct interaction of face-to facesehingga expected to foster a good relationship when the interview conducted.
5. Angket
An interview questionnaire in written form. All questions have been collated in writing in the pages of the question, and the interviewee simply read the questions and answer them in writing as well. The answers will be analyzed to determine the matters under investigation.
6.inspection Psychology
In the language of popular psychology examination is also called the psychological method uses certain psikodiagnostik tools that can only be used by experts who had actually been trained. tools that can be used unntuk measure and level of intelligence to know the person, the person's interests, one's attitude, personality structure were a man, and others of the person who checked it.
7.Method Work Analysis
Done by analyzing the work of such pictures - pictures, diary or essay that has been made. This is because the work can be regarded as the originator of the state of one's life .
8.Methode Statistics
Commonly used by collecting data or material in research and conduct analysis of the results; which has been obtained .
Method of Developmental Psychology Psychology development from method has two methods, namely the general methods and specific methods. the methods of this general approach with the approaches used longitudinal, transverse, and cross-cultural. Of this approach is seen the data obtained as a whole or only some aspects of development, and can also see a variety of congenital and environmental factors, especially culture. While the particular method is a method that will be investigated with a process tool or a careful calculation and definite. In this approach may be used with experimental and observational approaches.

*5. Psychological approach to literature

from Association for Humanistic psychology

Throughout history many individuals and groups have affirmed the inherent value and dignity of human beings. They have spoken out against ideologies, beliefs and practices which held people to be merely the means for accomplishing economic and political ends. They have reminded their contemporaries that the purpose of institutions is to serve and advance the freedom and power of their members. In Western civilization we honor the times and places, such as Classical Greece and Europe of the Renaissance, when such affirmations were expressed.

Humanistic Psychology is a contemporary manifestation of that ongoing commitment. Its message is a response to the denigration of the human spirit that has so often been implied in the image of the person drawn by behavioral and social sciences.

During the first half of the twentieth century, American psychology was dominated by two schools of thought: behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Neither fully acknowledged the possibility of studying values, intentions and meaning as elements in conscious existence. Although various European perspectives such as phenomenology had some limited influence, on the whole mainstream American psychology had been captured by the mechanistic beliefs of behaviorism and by the biological reductionism and determinism of classical psychoanalysis.

Ivan Pavlov's work with the conditioned reflex (induced under rigid laboratory controls, empirically observable and quantifiable) had given birth to an academic psychology in the United States led by John Watson which came to be called "the science of behavior" (in Abraham Maslow's later terminology, "The First Force"). Its emphasis on objectivity was reinforced by the success of the powerful methodologies employed in the natural sciences and by the philosophical investigations of the British empiricists, logical positivists and the operationalists, all of whom sought to apply the methods and values of the physical sciences to questions of human behavior. Valuable knowledge (particularly in learning theory and the study of sensation and perception) was achieved in this quest. But if something was gained, something was also lost: The "First Force" systematically excluded the subjective data of consciousness and much information bearing on the complexity of the human personality and its development.

The "Second Force" emerged out of Freudian psychoanalysis and the depth psychologies of Alfred Adler, Erik Erikson, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney, Carl Jung, Melanie Klein, Otto Rank, Harry Stack Sullivan and others. These theorists focused on the dynamic unconscious - the depths of the human psyche whose contents, they asserted, must be integrated with those of the conscious mind in order to produce a healthy human personality . The founders of the depth psychologies believed (with several variations) that human behavior is principally determined by what occurs in the unconscious mind. So, where the behaviorists ignored consciousness because they felt that its essential privacy and subjectivity rendered it inaccessible to scientific study, the depth psychologists tended to regard it as the relatively superficial expression of unconscious drives.

" An assumption unusual in psychology today is that the subjective human being has an important value which is basic; that no matter how he may be labeled and evaluated he is a human person first of all, and most deeply. " Carl Rogers, 1962

By the late 1950's a "Third Force" was beginning to form. In 1957 and 1958, at the invitation of Abraham Maslow and Clark Moustakas, two meetings were held in Detroit among psychologists who were interested in founding a professional association dedicated to a more meaningful, more humanistic vision. They discussed several themes - such as self, self-actualization, health, creativity, intrinsic nature, being, becoming, individuality, and meaning - which they believed likely to become central concerns of such an approach to psychology. In 1961, with the sponsorship of Brandeis University, this movement was formally launched as the American Association for Humanistic Psychology. The first issue of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology appeared as "The Phoenix" in December, 1963.

In 1964, at Old Saybrook, Connecticut, the first invitational conference was held, an historic gathering that did much to establish the character of the new movement. Attendees included psychologists, among whom were Gordon Allport, J.F.T. Bugental, Charlotte Buhler, Abraham Maslow, Rollo May, Gardner Murphy, Henry Murray and Carl Rogers, as well as humanists from other disciplines, such as Jacques Barzun, Rene Dubos and Floyd Matson.

The conferees questioned why the two dominant versions of psychology did not deal with human beings as uniquely human nor with many of the real problems of human life. They agreed that if psychology were to become more than a narrow academic discipline limited by the biases of behaviorism, and if it were to study human attributes such as values and self-consciousness that the depth psychologists had chosen to de-emphasize, their "Third Force" would have to offer a fuller concept and experience of what it means to be human.

By this time the term "human psychology" was in general use. It reflected many of the values expressed by the Hebrews, the Greeks, the Renaissance Europeans, and others who have attempted to study those qualities that are unique to human life and that make possible such essentially human phenomena as love, self-consciousness, self-determination, personal freedom, greed, lust for power, cruelty, morality, art, philosophy, religion, literature, and science.

Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and Rollo May, who had participated in the conference at Old Saybrook, remained the movement's most respected intellectual leaders for the decades that followed. Maslow( see Extracts from the writings of Abraham H. Maslow, Abraham H. Maslow Bibliography Compiled by Maurice Bassett and A Brief Biography of A.H. Maslow) developed a hierarchical theory of human motivation which asserted that when certain basic needs are provided for, higher motives toward self-actualization can emerge.

Rogers introduced person-centered therapy, which holds that intrinsic tendencies toward self-actualization can be expressed in a therapeutic relationship in which the therapist offers personal congruence, unconditional positive regard and accurate empathic understanding.

Thus Maslow and Rogers embraced self-actualization both as an empirical principle and an ethical idea. Their vision of human nature as intrinsically good became a major theme of the "human potential" movement, but was criticized by some other humanistic psychologists as an inadequate model of the human experience.

Rollo May represented the European currents of existentialism and phenomenology that became influential in humanistic psychology and emphasized the inherently tragic aspects of the human condition. His books provided an enduring philosophical perspective and much-needed insight into questions involving the enduring presence of evil and suffering in the world, the nature of creativity, art and mythology, and the value of the humanities as psychological resources.

Humanistic psychology expanded its influence throughout the 1970s and the 1980s. It's impact can be understood in terms of three major areas: 1) It offered a new set of values for approaching an understanding of human nature and the human condition. 2) It offered an expanded horizon of methods of inquiry in the study of human behavior. 3) It offered a broader range of more effective methods in the professional practice of psychotherapy.

The Humanistic View of Human Behavior
Humanistic psychology is a value orientation that holds a hopeful, constructive view of human beings and of their substantial capacity to be self-determining. It is guided by a conviction that intentionality and ethical values are strong psychological forces, among the basic determinants of human behavior. This conviction leads to an effort to enhance such distinctly human qualities as choice, creativity, the interaction of the body, mind and spirit, and the capacity to become more aware, free, responsible, life-affirming and trustworthy.

Humanistic psychology acknowledges that the mind is strongly influenced by determining forces in society and in the unconscious, and that some of these are negative and destructive. Humanistic psychology nevertheless emphasizes the independent dignity and worth of human beings and their conscious capacity to develop personal competence and self respect. This value orientation has led to the development of therapies to facilitate personal and interpersonal skills and to enhance the quality of life.

Since there is much difficulty involved in inner growth, humanistic psychologists often stress the importance of courageously learning to take responsibility for oneself as one confronts personal transitions. The difficulty of encouraging personal growth is matched by the difficulty of developing appropriate institutional and organizational environments in which human beings can flourish. Clearly, societies both help and hinder human growth. Because nourishing environments can make an important contribution to the development of healthy personalities, human needs should be given priority when fashioning social policies. ,This becomes increasingly critical in a rapidly changing world threatened by such dangers as nuclear war, overpopulation and the breakdown of traditional social structures.

Many humanistic psychologists stress the importance of social change, the challenge of modifying old institutions and inventing new ones able to sustain both human development and organizational efficacy. Thus the humanistic emphasis on individual freedom should be matched by a recognition of our interdependence and our responsibilities to one another, to society and culture, and to the future.

#Conclusion of this psychological approach
Humanistic Psychology is a contemporary manifestation of that ongoing commitment. Its message is a response to the denigration of the human spirit that has so often been implied in the image of the person drawn by behavioral and social sciences. There are many psychological approach in the literature, from Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and Rollo May, who had participated in the conference at Old Saybrook, remained the movement's most respected intellectual leaders for the decades that followed.
according to Abraham Maslow that psychological approach in the literature divided into physical needs, needs the comfortable in our live, needs of (loving, loved), self esteem, and needs self realization.Thus Maslow and Rogers embraced self-actualization both as an empirical principle and an ethical idea. Their vision of human nature as intrinsically good became a major theme of the "human potential" movement, but was criticized by some other humanistic psychologists as an inadequate model of the human experience. and Rollo May represented the European currents of existentialism and phenomenology that became influential in humanistic psychology and emphasized the inherently tragic aspects of the human condition.