Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

(CODE II) Task 1. Assimilation

1. What do you know about assimilation and give the example?


Assimilation is a social process that occurs when there is a human faction with different cultural backgrounds, associate with each other directly in internsif for a long time so that the earlier cultures of each changed him into a mixture of cultures. Usually minorities are involved in a process of assimilation. Minorities changing characteristics of the elements of its culture and adapt to the culture of the majority so that the is slowly losing its own culture and personality into the majority culture. Mathematically the process of assimilation can be written: Aa + Bb + Cc = Dd meaning that ethnic groups A, B, and C as driving factors assimilation met, having melting cultural elements of ethnic groups a + b + c generate new cultural d , which previously did not exist in culture a, B, and D.
Factors that facilitate the assimilation:
1). Tolerance
2). Opportunities in the economy are balanced.
3). An attitude of respect for foreign culture.
4). Attitude that is open from the ruling class in society
5). Presence of cultural elements of the same
6). Marriages mixed
7). Existence of a common enemy from outside.
The factors that can inhibit the assimilation Another is as follows:
1). Isolated life
2). Lack of knowledge about the culture encountered
3). Feeling of fear of facing the power of a culture
4). Feeling that another group culture is superior or inferior, preferring
5). Difference in skin color and physical characteristics
6). Presence of in-group feeling
7). Happened disturbance of the majority against the minority
8). Existence of different interests and conflicts, both personal and group interests.

example of assimilation
  •  Many people has live in Jakarta, they are live with their family, brother or maybe they just alone live in there. In Jakarta not only the native of Jakarta but also has so many new settlers live in there. They mingle in the social community is through language. for example, A comes from Central Java and B is the original person who live in Jakarta. A always communicate with B, and the language they use very different, if like that so the communication between A and B can’t occured very well. To easier communication and understand each other then A slowly follow a language B and the native language A goes away by itself.
  • Besides the language, the food consumed by ethnic Chinese and Chinese are also different. Food of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia is different from the original start in China because it has been influenced by spices native to Indonesia are very sharp. In Indonesia there are foods such as rice cakes cap go meh, that does not exist in China, the food is as strong influences typical foods of Indonesia.
  • Chinese citizens in Singapore is also influenced by the Malays and Indians in Singapore. With Malay and Indian influences, be new foods in the typical Chinese citizens in Singapore as 'Carrot Cake', 'Fish Head Curry', 'Rojak' etc.

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